[ARCHIVE] Disturbing Mental Pictures
Ignorance is Never an Excuse, and Arrogance is never the right attitude.
One's personal opinions must never be imposed on another, when that begins to happen, we lose the inherent freedom that our ancestors fought so valiantly for us to enjoy.
There is such a thing as making your own thoughts and ideas known, and there is such a thing as forcing them unto others, we lose our sense of self and therein lay the dilemma…
Why, if they claim it to be the “Land of the Free” do certain individuals refuse to allow others their Freedom?
“Someone who is not guilty of anything should not be so concerned about nothing”
“Someone who assumes there is a problem with others is usually guilty of creating that problem”
Life is Precious
Human Beings are the only living animal that is consciously aware of its actions and their consequences
The question now is… “are we ultimately responsible for those who cannot take care of themselves?”
I’ve always liked pets, I’ve had one or more kinds for as long as I can remember… pet dogs, pet cats, pet hamsters, pet fish, pet sea monkeys, pet rock, pet names
The other day, I picked up a new responsibility, otherwise known as
felis domesticus, a friend has already affectionately named her ‘Jade’ for her large expressive eyes. She’s currently socializing with my other pets, but so far, its been strained.
In other news, I’m back completely online, the electronic ‘slap-on-the-wrist’ incurred by email sending neglegence has been amended, its time to sign up for more groups and newsletters
“there are only two ways to live your life… one is as if nothing is a miracle, the other is as if everything is” – albert einstein
The War Has Begun...
This is the Quiet Before the Storm…
The Darkness before the Dawn…
The Horse before the Carriage…
The Chicken before the Egg…
We must prepare for the inevitable
It is in Human Nature to argue...
for many centuries, Man's inherent will to rule and conquer all that surrounds him has driven us to survive, create and ultimately destroy all that we know is real...
I normally choose to take the civil road and avoid confrontation, however, certain circumstances has brought me to this turning point...
Being Considerate to others is one thing, trying your best to make this a better world is also important, attempting to help out no matter what the cost is truly noble, and striving to make this a better place is definitely worth fighting for...
But... Must this all be at the cost of Friendship?
When does one cease to be helpful and begin to become a nuisance?
"There is a thin line that separates genius and insanity"
And that line has been crossed...
She Must Be Stopped!
it seems i haven't updated my Blog in a while...
DMP's can only go so far...
some people confuse Disturbing Mental Pictures with Disgusting Mental Pictures, those are two totally different animals, mind you
personally, i prefer the Former type, its a lot more fun and practically anyone can be disgusting, but it takes a certain skill to make someone mentally disturbed...
on the other hand, i'm considering reformatting this Blog into something more conventional... like most people who put their own thoughts into words for the whole of the World Wide Web to see, as far as Google can reach and as broad as your band can go... come to think of it, there is nothing that is more Disturbing than what goes on inside my brain.
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid